
How To Get Brief Respite Warframe

Since her release, Trinity Prime number has e'er been Warframe'south premier healer. Using powerful abilities that restore health, shields, and energy, she can make any squad virtually-unstoppable. Though this mighty medic has been bars to the Vault for some time, on May 26, she finally returns.

That means Warframe is about to get a flood of new Trinity players, much to every squishy team's relief. Whether y'all're picking her up for the first time or merely need a refresher, this guide will teach you how best to build and play the peerless Trinity Prime.


Let's first with a quick rundown of Trinity's abilities. Though all of Trinity'due south abilities take their uses, pay special attention to Energy Vampire and Approving. These 2 abilities are extremely powerful and will define your build and playstyle.

Well of Life

Trinity'south get-go ability is Well of Life. Well of Life tin be a… contentious choice of ability to use in battle. When Trinity casts information technology an enemy, they're suspended helplessly in midairand take their health pool multiplied by x and fully restored. For several seconds, attacking the enemy volition restore up to 45% of damage dealt, or more than with Ability Strength mods. In one case a sure corporeality of health has been leeched, the ability ends and the target's health returns to whatever value it had before existence targeted. As you tin imagine, squadmates will non appreciate you using this on an enemy that needs quick killing. Withal, if your squad needs a brief respite from a powerful enemy's attacks, Well of Life can be a skilful selection for putting that bad boy on agree.

trinity prime warframe

Energy Vampire

Trinity'southward second ability is Free energy Vampire. Using Energy Vampire on an enemy will stagger information technology and cause it to release four free energy-restoring waves over the ability'southward elapsing, to all allies within range. Note that this means the lower the ability'due south duration, the faster the waves. Each wave restores a default of 25 free energy, or greater with Ability Strength mods. Killing the marked enemy will cause all iv waves to emit at one time, giving everyone around it an firsthand free energy heave.


Trinity's 3rd ability is Link. Using Link will, uh,link Trinity with up to 3 enemies in range. While linked, Trinity takes 75% less damage and transfers 100% of damage taken, plus Condition Effects, to tethered enemies. Though this ability simply buffs Trinity herself, it can withal be extremely useful for, say, protecting Trinity while she wades into no-human's-country to revive an marry.


Trinity's fourth and last power is Approval. Blessing restores a default of fourscore% health and shields to all allies inside Analogousness Range. That solitary makes it well worth the cast, but information technology doesn't stop there. The ability then grants a default of 50% damage reduction to all affected squadmates for several seconds. The healing and vitrify as well bear upon pets, allies, and even defense force objects! For all these reasons, Blessing is the most powerful healing power in the game.

trinity prime warframe abilities

So, now that we know what Trinity tin do, let's talk about how to build and play her.


When playing Trinity, two master builds/playstyles will be your bread and butter. The first centers on pure healing and damage reduction, the second on restoring energy to your allies as quickly as possible. So, first off, take a await at your party and objective. Are yous playing with a bunch of glass cannons who demand someone to keep them on their feet? Or are you playing with energy-guzzling casters who need a reliable fount to fuel their destruction?

Note that these builds prioritize conflicting stats, so hybridization isn't ideal. For serious missions, you'll likely demand to choose 1 or the other to deport your team to victory.

Blessed Trinity: for pure heals and damage reduction

Unsurprisingly, this build centers on Trinity'southward quaternary power, Approving. To optimize this power's healing and impairment reduction, you'll want to focus on Power Strength and Duration. Not just will these increase the percentage of health and shields restored on each cast, but also the dominance and length of the damage reduction vitrify afterwards. Since each bandage of Approving consumes a fair clamper of free energy, boosting Trinity's efficiency is likewise a reasonable investment.

trinity prime warframe augur secrets

  • Strength mods: Intensify, Power Migrate, Augur Secrets
  • Duration mods: Continuity, Constitution
  • Efficiency mods: Streamline

Playing Blessed Trinity is pretty unproblematic. Stay within Affinity Range of your team and keep an eye on their wellness and shields. Whenever someone is near to drop, bandage Approving to top them up.

Keep an middle on everyone's energy levels as well. If needed, cast Energy Vampire on enemies with depression wellness, and so kill them ASAP. This playstyle volition ensure that your squadmates stay in top shape, even when taking on difficult enemies.

Energy Vampire: for fast and efficient free energy boosts

While the Blessed Trinity build focuses on increasing Ability Duration, the Energy Vampire (EV) build aims to cut it downward as much equally possible. Why? Well, retrieve how using Energy Vampire causes a marked enemy to emit 4 free energy-restoring waves? Cutting power duration ensures yous get all four as quickly equally possible.

For that reason you'll desire to maximize Trinity's Power Range and Strength. To do this, nosotros're going to take to juggle several corrupted mods that actually reduceDuration while boosting the relevant stats.

trinity prime warframe transient fortitude

  • Strength mods: Transient Fortitude, Intensify, Blind Rage
  • Range mods: Overextended, Cunning Drift, Stretch
  • Efficiency mods: Fleeting Expertise

When playing Trinity the Energy Vampire, you'll want to bandage Energy Vampire constantly. This is particularly true if you lot're playing alongside high-maintenance casters similar Saryn or Banshee. At the aforementioned time, don't exist afraid to utilise Blessing when needed. Though your minimal Duration pretty much kills the damage reduction effect, it'll still restore your squadmates' health and shields.

Trinity (especially Trinity Prime) is a welcome addition to any Warframe squad—peculiarly if you know how to play her right. And if you've read this guide, hopefully, that means you practice. And so leave in that location, dish out some heals and energy boosts, and bask in the adoration that all skilled healers deserve.

Or merely revel in property the power of life and death in your hands. That works, too.

How To Get Brief Respite Warframe,


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