
Cask Of Amontillado Literary Devices

What Are Some Examples of Literary Devices?

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Literary devices are creative techniques used in storytelling or writing. They include metaphors, oxymorons, irony, hyperbole, analogies and internal rhymes. Specific parts of a story or slice of literature, such as plot, prologue, poetry, setting and stanza are too accounted literary devices.

Literary devices provide color and creativity to a piece of writing. For example, an anecdote offers a brief, funny or entertaining narrative that relates to the overall piece of work. An analogy symbolizes an abstract concept by using a concrete object. A metaphor, i of the nearly used devices, draws a comparing between two objects or ideas by implying that one is the other. An example is "Life is a basin of cherries." Suspense, another example of a literary device, creates the tense moments that pb to the climax or resolution of the story. Most mutual in poetry and children's stories, rhyme involves using words that have the aforementioned blueprint or audio to create a musical outcome for the reader. Literary devices that use words to emphasize ideas or create a singsong effect for the reader include alliteration – where words commencement with the same letter are used in succession – and onomatopoeia, in which the words used sound similar to the definition. Common examples of onomatopoeia include "smack" or "snap."

Cask Of Amontillado Literary Devices,


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