
Pretty Pretty Bird Bird Poem

They also display the unlike means that writers can approach bird-related imagery, and themes like beauty, immortality, happiness, and peace. As a symbol of freedom and joy, birds take go a universally interesting topic on which writers can express their thoughts and experiences.

Best Poems about Birds

The Windhover by Gerard Manley Hopkins

'The Windhover' is Gerard Manley Hopkins's most famous poem. It'south as well the ane that he felt near continued to. In the sonnet, he describes a windhover, or kestrel, and compares it to Christ. Hopkins uses his "sprung rhyme" throughout. Here are a few lines from the poem:

I defenseless this morning time morning'due south minion, male monarch-

dom of daylight's dauphin, dapple-dawn-drawn Falcon, in his riding

Of the rolling level underneath him steady air, and striding

Discover more Gerard Manley Hopkins poetry.

To a Skylark by Percy Bysshe Shelley

'To a Skylark' is an ode to the "blithe" essence of a singing skylark and how human being beings are unable to ever achieve that same bliss. The poem begins with the speaker spotting a skylark flying higher up him. He tin can hear the song clearly. The bird's song is "unpremeditated," it is unplanned and cute. Shelley is stunned by the music produced past the bird and entranced by its movement as it flies into the clouds and out of sight. Here are the first lines from the verse form:

Hail to thee, blithe Spirit!

Bird thou never wert,

That from Heaven, or near it,

Pourest thy full heart

In profuse strains of unpremeditated art.

Read more Percy Bysshe Shelley poems.

Ode to a Nightingale by John Keats

In 'Ode to a Nightingale,' which is likely Keats'due south best-known piece of work, the nightingale plays an of import role. The speaker listens to information technology sing and feels jealous of its carefree life. Inspired by the song, he considers giving himself over to the woods and trying to discover the same kind of freedom the nightingale has. He even thinks about allowing himself to die in the forest. Hither are the first lines from the verse form:

My center aches, and a drowsy numbness pains

My sense, equally though of hemlock I had drunk,

Or emptied some tedious opiate to the drains

One minute by, and Lethe-wards had sunk:

'Tis non through envy of thy happy lot,

Detect more of John Keats' poesy.

The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe

'The Raven' is a supernatural, dream-like poem that makes use of his nigh ofttimes visited themes. At that place is loss, death, fright, and, and above all else, the haunting presence of the talking raven. The creature cries throughout the text, a single word: "Nevermore." You can read the offset lines of the poem below:

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,

Over many a quaint and curious book of forgotten lore—

While I nodded, virtually napping, suddenly there came a borer,

Read more Edgar Allan Poe poems.

The Eagle by Alfred Lord Tennyson

'The Eagle' speaks on the power and confinement of a lone eagle on a rocky cliff. The verse form begins with the speaker describing how a solitary hawkeye is standing on the pinnacle of a craggy cliff. From where he is perched, with his "kleptomaniacal easily" gripping the rocks, he can survey the whole "azure earth" around and below him. Here are the 3 lines of stanza two:

The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls;

He watches from his mountain walls,

And like a thunderbolt he falls.

Explore more poetry from Alfred Lord Tennyson.

A Bird came downwardly the Walk past Emily Dickinson

'A Bird came down the Walk' describes the unproblematic, notwithstanding beautiful, actions of a bird searching for food and then taking flying. The poem begins with the speaker describing a bird she sees. She's nearby, allowing her to await at the bird. It does not immediately notice her, though. From where she is situated, she sees the bird pick up an "Bending Worm" and bite it in one-half. It moves quickly from place to place, showing the anxiety inherent to most of its species. Here are a few lines:

A Bird, came down the Walk –

He did not know I saw –

He bit an Bending Worm in halves

And ate the fellow, raw,

Read more Emily Dickinson poems.

To a Waterfowl by William Cullen Bryant

In 'To a Waterfowl,' the speaker addresses the waterfowl and asks it where it's going and why. He warns the creature that traveling alone is dangerous. Merely, he before long states, the bird isn't solitary. He'southward accompanied by a higher power—God. This poem was inspired by a similar lonely walk the poet took. Here is the starting time stanza:

Whither, 'midst falling dew,

While glow the heavens with the concluding steps of twenty-four hours,

Far, through their rosy depths, dost thou pursue

Thy solitary style?

Discover more than William Cullen Bryant poetry.

The Yellowhammer'due south Nest by John Clare

'The Yellowhammer's Nest' describes the cute and brutal world in which the yellowhammer lives.The speaker asks his listeners to describe shut to a stream and look at a nest nestled there. Information technology contains beautiful eggs with "scribbled" lines on them. He goes on to speak about the beauty of the world of birds and how many things can interrupt information technology.

Just by the wooden brig a bird flew up,

Frit by the cowboy as he scrambled down

To achieve the misty dewberry—let us stoop

And seek its nest—the brook nosotros need non dread,

Read more John Clare poems.

Hope is a affair with feathers by Emily Dickinson

'ope is a thing with feathers' is one of Dickinson's most optimistic poems. It focuses on the personification of hope. She depicts it as a bird that perches inside her soul and sings. The bird asks for nothing. Information technology is at peace and is, therefore, able to impart the same hope and peace to the speaker. She can depend on it, and accept pleasure from it. Here are a few lines:

"Hope" is the affair with feathers –

That perches in the soul –

And sings the melody without the words –

And never stops – at all –

See our pick of the top 10 best Emily Dickinson poems.

The Owl and the Nightingale by Anonymous

This is one of the longest poems on this list and also ane of the oldest. It was written around 1189, or perhaps shortly after. The poem is written in English, just it is non the modern English that virtually readers will be familiar with. It depicts a argue between two birds, the owl, and the nightingale, and the varying views they have on everything. Some of their topics of discussion are serious, like religion, while others are more frivolous. Here are the kickoff iv lines:

Ich was in one sumere dale,

in 1 suþe diȝele unhurt,

iherde ich holde grete tale

an hule and one niȝtingale.

The Nightingale by Sir Philip Sidney

In 'The Nightingale,' Sir Philip Sidney describes a nightingale and her song. He makes the traditional innuendo to Philomela, and tries to offering the bird some "gladness." He spends the other lines alluding to the story at the heart of nightingale myth and speaking on bloodshed and immortality.

The nightingale, every bit presently as April bringeth

Unto her rested sense a perfect waking,

While belatedly blank earth, proud of new article of clothing, springeth,

Sings out her woes, a thorn her song-book making,

And mournfully bewailing,

Read more Sir Philip Sidney poems.

Song of the Owl by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

In this very unusual poem, Longfellow uses very brusque lines, ane to three words in length, to celebrate the nature of the "peachy black / Owl." The poem is light-hearted and very much up for estimation. Here are the last four lines:

The neat black



Hi! a! haa!

Explore more Henry Wadsworth Longfellow poems.

Pretty Pretty Bird Bird Poem,


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