
Can You Get Two Tattoos In One Session

Do you lot take a tattoo session coming up that yous are getting excited about? Possibly yous have a few tattoo designs in mind butcannot decide which tattoo you want to get this session and which tattoo you desire to become the following session? This state of affairs may have y'all wondering,can y'all get 2 tattoos in i day?

You lot may get two tattoos in one day if they do not interfere with each other, similar two small tattoos in different areas, for example. All the same, it is not recommended to get ii tattoos that would interfere with each other while getting tattooed and healing.

Your tattoo creative person will aid guide you as to whether or non the 2 tattoos you would similar to get in 1 session are a good idea or not.In that location are ways that you lot could brand getting two tattoos in one day work; yet, in that location are besides many reasons that it may not work/may not be a good idea.

If you are looking for inspiration earlier your tattoo, bank check out my portfolio – you can find my works and projects here – on Instagram.

Can You Get 2 Tattoos In I Day?

This answer depends because yes, y'all can get two tattoos in one day hypothetically; however, whether or non your creative person volition let you to get ii tattoos in i twenty-four hour period will depend on which two tattoos y'all want to go far the same day.

If you are assault getting two tattoos in one day/one session, consider gettingtwo small tattoos.

The smaller your tattoo is, the quicker information technology will heal, andthe less chance of infection you volition accept as your immune organization will be able to fight them off easily.

For instance, getting a quote and a small 3-inch paradigm in one day should not be an issue, especially if you lot are getting them placed in different areas, asthe swelling from the showtime one will not affect the skin quality that your second tattoo needs to be tattooed on.

When it comes to getting ii tattoos in one 24-hour interval,the smaller they are, the better.

What Two Tattoos Would I Not Be Able To Go far 1 Solar day?

Do non become two tattoos in one session if the second tattoo willaffect the showtime ane in any fashion and vice versa.

If getting a 2d tattoorequires yous to lean or lay on your beginning tattoo while getting it, it could compromise your first tattoo and the quality of its appearance, and if your 2nd tattoo needs to be shut to the commencement tattoo where there is a large corporeality of swelling in the skin,it may affect the integrity of the linework of your 2nd tattoo.

Substantially, the type of tattoos that you should not get two of on the same twenty-four hour period are tattoosthat will negatively affect each other in one style or another.

Tin You Get Tattooed Two Days In A Row?

As we said before, you volition exist able to get tattooed 2 days in a row if you are getting two separate tattoos, andthe second tattoo does not require you to lay or lean on your kickoff tattoo.

Getting ii split tattoos two days in a rowmay come with some risks, though, such as a compromised immune system.

Yourimmune organisation will exist mainly focused on ensuring that no infections happen in the open wound that is your new tattoo. It will exist fighting off whatever germs or bacteria that your tattoo may be exposed to andhelping your peel in that surface area heal.

If you lot go ahead with getting a 2d tattoo the adjacent twenty-four hours,your immune system will have to split its efforts. Your trunk volition at present need to endeavor to fight the battle against infection in 2 split areas of peel, meaning that you now stand a higher risk ofgetting an infection in both tattoos as they heal.

Getting the same tattoo worked on two days in a row is not simply not recommended, butinformation technology is also highly brash against. It is suggested that yous wait to add together whatsoever new ink to a new tattoo until after it has finished healing, which willhave anywhere between 2 to three weeks.

It is not recommended to add more than ink to a fresh tattoo earlier information technology is healedfor the following reasons:

  • Your tattoo is a fresh wound that your body is now trying to heal.Your tattoo will exist swollen and may accept fifty-fifty started to scab by the day after you had your tattoo done. To try and tattoo over a slice of peel in this condition would not onlybe incredibly painful to have to suffer, merely your skin would not take the ink in well at all.
  • Tattooing over a fresh tattoo from the previous day may even compromise the integrity of your tattoo andcould ruin it permanently – similarly to how if your torso is trying to heal a wound that keeps opening up again, it will probable cause a bad scar.

It is possible totattoo around the area that was worked on the 24-hour interval before; For case, if y'all had a blossom tattooed the day before, you could tattoo the stalk the following day, as it is not going over the existing fresh tattoo.

However, this is notwithstanding not recommended as the whole surface area effectually the tattoo may exist swollen, which may compromise your tattoo'south shape andthe lines your artist tries to pull.

Instead, it is recommended that you await until the get-go part of the tattoois healed before you add anything more to it.

How Often Can You Get Tattooed?

You tin get tattooed essentially every 3 weeks if you choose to.As long as your most recent tattoo is always healed, you volition exist able to go in for your next tattoo session.

However, there could be a few things that may be a hindrance when it comes tohow oft you may be able to become and get a new tattoo.


The number one biggest thing that often gets in between y'all and that buzzing tattoo gun isthe upkeep for your next tattoo.

Tattoos are expensive, which means that you lot would demand to have rather large savings account if you wanted to be going to get a new tattoo every three weeks.

Otherwise, you wouldneed to spend a few months saving in-between each tattoo session to build up plenty coin for every new piece.

Your Creative person's Availability

Even if you did have the cash on hand to be getting tattooed on that kind of a regular basis,your tattoo artist might not be available to see y'all every iii weeks.

Most skilled tattoo artists are booked upwards for at least a calendar month or two in advance, which ways that if you did intend on getting a new tattoo every three weeks, you lot would need tomake sure that you lot book multiple sessions with your tattoo artist a few months in advance.

If you did not book multiple sessions in advance with your tattoo artist, then you are unfortunately going to need towait until their next available booking.

Your Immune System

When you lot are constantly getting new tattoos, your immune system will constantly befighting off infections for those new tattoos.

With yourimmune system busy fighting infections, information technology may leave you feeling more weak or tired more regularly.

Consider taking longer breaks in between tattoo sessions to endeavor and help yourimmune arrangement become that boost it so badly needs.

If you do not want to put your regular tattooing on hold,consider starting on a daily multivitamin to helpyour immune system with fighting those infections and keeping you going potent.


Trust your artist –your tattoo artist knows what they are talking near and if they tell you information technology is not a good thought to get two tattoos in 1 mean solar day, mind to them. They take most likely seen many bad outcomes of that state of affairs and desire topreclude yous from landing upwards in a bad position yourself.

If getting two tattoos in one solar day is something that you desperately desire to do,ask your tattoo artist what they recommend you get, every bit they volition be able to help you get the tattoos you desire without the bad stop result – this may, however, end in you getting anebig rib piece and a small quote on your wrist, or something to that effect.

Any it may wait like, make sure you exercise as your creative person suggeststo avoid a disappointing effect in both tattoos.

Some of my favorite designs, tattoo books, and aftercare products, selected for you

working on tattoo at my studio
Working at the studio on one of my projects

Thanks for reading my article, I hope that you have plant it helpful. If yous would have trouble finding ideas for your tattoo, wonder what is pregnant of design that you take found or what to purchase for aftercare, to make sure that your tattoo will be healing quickly and easily, here are some of my favorite products in one identify, hope that this will also aid.

Blueprint and tattoo ideas

For some ideas you can take a wait at those 3 books with hundreds of designs that I use with my clients, they are available on Amazon for Kindle or in classic, paper version (links beneath):

  • Great Book of Tattoo Designs, Revised Edition: More than than 500 Torso Art Designs (Fox Chapel Publishing) Fantasy, Celtic, Floral, Wildlife, and Symbol Designs for the Skin by Lora Irish gaelic
  • The Big Volume of Small Tattoos – Vol.1: 400 small original tattoos for women and men by Roberto Gemori
  • Tiny Tattoos: Over one,000 Small Inspirational Artworks by Rebecca Vincent.

Tattoo meaning

If you would like to read more than about the meaning of different tattoo styles and designs before you will decide what you would similar to have, I tin recommend a book that was really useful for me when I was starting my tattoo gamble – it'southward "Conscious Ink: The Hidden Meaning of Tattoos" past Lisa Barretta (through the link you can find information technology on Amazon for around $ten).

Tattoo aftercare

The skin at the tattoo site often dries out. To forbid it and speed up healing for my clients, I usually recommend one of those tattoo aftercare balms (you can find them on Amazon):

  • INKorporated Tattoo Lotion
  • Mad Rabbit Tattoo Lotion & Aftercare Cream.


Can You Get Two Tattoos In One Session,


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